Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WOW...check it out!  ReTHINK YOUR DRINK! 
 Are any of these in your daily consumption?

Today I feel LIMITLESS!  Started my day with LIMITLESS!..
Met with my Business Coach - Michelle Campbell

She is amazing!  So check out the new sign up for my newsletter to the left! 
But what is feeling LIMITLESS? 
 It's not a rush, there's not a crash, it's just a feeling of steady
awake - ness (I know that is not a word...but it is a feeling!)
There is no better feeling to have the energy
the  mind clearing alertness to get through the tasks you have daily,
 just tear open the individual sleeve and pour into your water, drink and go!
And you can drink it more than once a day! 
 Woohoo, for any afternoon slump!
TRY IT at the Health Fair at Colvin Community Center on MAY 10th!

1 comment:

  1. So don't forget to jump on over to the right and sign up for Imagine Fit's Newsletter!


We have moved....if you landed here we have a new site!                          Come on over ...